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General websites:

Speech-Language & Audiology Canada:

Speech and Hearing BC:

American Speech-Language & Hearing Association:


Stuttering Therapy Resources:

Canadian Stuttering Association:

Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research (ISTAR):

The Speech & Stuttering Institute (Toronto):


Aphasia Institute:

Free aphasia online therapy:

The Aphasia Community by Lingraphica:

Aphasia Access:

Tactus Therapy:


Speech-Language & Audiology Canada Voice Toolkit:

BC Provincial Voice Care Resource Program (PVCRP):

Social Communication:

Social Thinking:

Autism Teaching Strategies:

Everyday Speech:

Professional Communication and Speech Clarity:

Accent Modification:

Mental Health:

Help Clinic: -- a team of mental health professionals (including RCCs, CCCs, RPs, RPQs, and RSWs), providing online services across Canada. 

Willow and Sage Counselling -- Kaitlan is a RCC providing counselling services to children and teens as well as women and parents, at locations in Surrey and Burnaby, as well as online.  

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